The history of LGT’s family owner has been closely connected with the country of Liechtenstein ever since Prince Karl I (1569 to 1627), the first Prince of Liechtenstein. Today, Liechtenstein is one of the most economically successful states in the world.
The Princely Family of Liechtenstein has always been entrepreneurial. Acquiring and managing land was the backbone of the family business in earlier centuries. Later, the family diversified into other economic sectors. With skill, innovation, long-term perspective, a great deal of discipline and a little bit of luck, the Princely House built up successful companies in various industries. Thanks to a smart diversification strategy, the family overcame numerous crises and setbacks, preserving its wealth over generations. To this day, it continues to emphasise diversification, with its company and investment portfolio ranging from agriculture and forestry to alternative energy production and successful financial institutions.
Its values and traditions are as important to the Princely Family now as they were nine centuries ago. These include respect, friendliness, entrepreneurship, a long-term and holistic perspective, and the pursuit of quality, innovation, and improvement. These values shape LGT as well.
The members of the Princely Family are successful entrepreneurs. But they are also more than that. Many famous regents, diplomats, and officers, but also builders, philanthropists and art collectors bear the name Liechtenstein.
The Princely House has experienced many highs and lows throughout its long and eventful history – and learned from them.
A specialist affiliated entity of LGT Wealth Management, which in turn is owned by the private banking group LGT. LGT has been privately owned by the Princely Family of Liechtenstein for over 90 years and therefore has efficient management and organisational structures. This allows us to make decisions quickly and independently, and to establish a long-term corporate strategy.
"Preserving values for the next generation" is a recurring theme in the history of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein. Today, in addition to LGT, the family’s assets include agriculture and forestry in Austria, numerous properties, a production company for container seedlings, and the largest US hybrid rice producer. As disparate as these industries are, the companies share three characteristics: they are managed according to the family values, operate sustainably, and healthy growth is more important than making a quick profit.
The foundation for the Princely Collections was laid by Prince Karl I, the first Prince of Liechtenstein. Over the past 500 years, the Princely Family has assembled one of the most important private art collections in the world, with masterpieces ranging from the early Renaissance to Austrian Romanticism. It features works by Lucas Cranach the Elder, Frans Hals, Raphael, Rembrandt, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthonis van Dyck, Rudolf von Alt, Friedrich von Amerling and Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller. These masterpieces are open to the public in the Liechtenstein Garden Palace and the Liechtenstein City Palace in Vienna and are also regularly featured in exhibitions of prominent museums worldwide.