Colourful wall of Edinburgh Fringe posters
It takes a huge base of support to make the Edinburgh Festivals happen and as public finances continue to be squeezed, Julie Hutchison, Technical Director for Philanthropy and Charities, discusses how philanthropy will play an ever-more important role in our latest insights.
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As women entrepreneurs grow in number, they are also becoming prominent as philanthropists. Julie Hutchison, Technical Director for Philanthropy and Charities discusses Super-Givers and Funding Circles in our latest insights.
hands stacked on top of each other in a circle
Looking at the meaning of philanthropy, its roots lie in the Greek for ‘love of humanity’. That might go some way to explaining the ‘why’ which motivates some individuals to give, although the drivers are usually very personal and can vary.
person making online payment using their phone
We live in an inter-connected world with traditional and online media alerting us to events within seconds of them happening. The 24-hour news cycle can sometimes feel negative, but it can also mobilise donors around the globe to respond quickly with financial help in response to an emergency.
Guildhall School of Music and Drama building by the river
With so many worthwhile charities in need of funds, it can be challenging for the would-be philanthropist to know where to start. How do you decide where to target your support? Can you be sure that your gift will make a real difference? And does it matter that you don’t have huge amounts of money to donate?
people hiking a mountain
As you are reading this, 26 of LGT Wealth Management’s employees will either be ascending or descending one of three mountains in England, Scotland or Wales.
hands holding a wooden heart
If you are one of the millions of UK taxpayers still to file their tax return online before 31st January, you might find there is an unexpected upside to leaving this task until the new year.
group of people around table in boardroom
Taking on a charity trustee role may be the most impactful thing you do in 2024. Trustees’ Week shines a light on the contribution of nearly one million UK trustee volunteers.
What if you don’t have unlimited resources to throw at a problem? What if you’re not willing to work through all the steps only to find that your chosen solution doesn’t work quite as well in practice? What do you do then? Decide that philanthropy is not for you?